Introduction of the members


Larissa Mayer, 1st chairsperson of SEAD

„If you think you are too small to make a difference try sleeping with a mosquito“ – Dalai Lama

Area: Board Member & Project Coordination

So stelle ich mir die Zukunft von SEAD vor: Ich sehe großes Potential in den bereits laufenden Projekten zur Selbstversorgung des Good Shepherd Homes, welche wir fördern und zusammen ausbauen möchten. SEAD soll durch die Unterstützung dieser Projekte den Kindern eine Zukunft ermöglichen können und sie auf ihrem Weg stärken und begleiten. Ein noch weit entferntes Ziel ist es auch, durch Projekte Einfluss auf die sozialpolitische Ebene zu nehmen, damit unsere Projekte auch langfristig nachhaltig wirken können. Doch alles step by step 🙂

Superpower: Own relation to projects and people there, passion, creativity, experience in intercultural and developmental work


Heidi Katz, Board member

„The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.” – Bob Marley

Area: Co-founder of SEAD; Representative in the USA, Education, Organisation & Management

This is how I imagine the future of SEAD: Often, organizations rely on charity in order to stay afloat. However, my hope is that SEAD works in collaboration with Good Shepherd Home to create a sustainable future for them where eventually they won’t need external support. Instead our focus in on building a strong foundation that enables the community to flourish independently. The support that SEAD provides Good Shepherd Home will then create a chain reaction. Over time, the projects with Good Shepherd Home will begin to fulfill the needs of the community and our support can expand to helping the community at large.

I am passionate about education and finding ways to enable growth within individuals and communities. As someone who has taught in several countries including Cameroon, I am aware of the different cultural demands within school systems and how important it is to be culturally responsive in order to progress. I believe education (formal and informal) is the pathway to success, well-being and independence. My passion as an educator to help provide educational opportunities will support this dimension of SEAD.


Samantha Cahill, Board member

„It is not the magnitude of our actions but the amount of love that is put into them that matters.” – Mother Teresa

Area: Co-founder of SEAD; Representative in the USA, Education, Organisation & Management

This is how I imagine the future of SEAD: It is my hope that SEAD will be able to have a positive impact on the world, one person and one community at a time; that individuals will be empowered to improve their communities, and local change makers will be supported in their work to build self-sufficient, thriving communities. It is my wish that SEAD will connect dreamers from around the world, allowing us to accomplish good work together.

Superpower: I am a firm believer that big impacts are made up of small, intentional actions. I vow to support SEAD and its communities by encouraging individuals to be global citizens and to spread love around the world. I will use my passion for education and sustainability to support the work and individuals of SEAD, locally and internationally. I will live each day with kindness, love and intention, demonstrating that little things done with great love can truly make a great difference!


Kevin Fofie, SEAD member

„If you are more fortunate than others, build a longer table not a taller fence“

Area: Projectorganisation & Realisation, Management, Finance, Social Media

This is how I imagine the future of SEAD: I wish SEAD all the success and fulfillment towards it’s goals. Good luck and prosperity are wishes for all SEAD partners, both present and future members, as SEAD sets out to make fondest dreams come true.

Superpower: Hard work and dedication


Vera Stellbauer, SEAD member

Oeffne der Veränderung deine Arme, aber verliere dabei nicht deine Werte aus den
Augen. – Dalai Lama

Area: website, social media

This is how I imagine the future of SEAD: The most important thing is the partner-based cooperation, whereby for me the needs of the people in our project always come first. The way SEAD works should be characterised by self-initiative and self-determined work.

Superpower: In this association I contribute with my creative streak, structure and an eye for the essential.


Laura Lamparter, SEAD member

„Wir müssen der Wandel sein, den wir in der Welt zu sehen wünschen.“ – Mahatma Gandhi

Area: Basic medical care, hygiene and sanitation.

This is how I imagine the future of SEAD: Through an intercultural exchange I wish that we move forward together and strengthen the sovereignty of the Good Shepherd Home through targeted projects. Especially close to my heart, as a medical student, is the work on basic medical care, improvement of hygienic conditions and the training of future medical professions.

Superpower: With creativity, my small experiences in the medical field and a portion of realism I hope to be able to support the association actively.


Anna Sophie Göggerle, SEAD member

„Wenn Wasser reglos in Teichen steht, so verfault es; Nur die Bewegung und das Fließen verleihen ihm Klarheit.“ – Ein alter kurdischer Nomade

Area: Representative of Hero Textil, project coordination

This is how I imagine the future of SEAD: For SEAD I wish that we listen to each other and leave enough space for our different perspectives to develop, to discuss and to understand each other. In this way we can achieve the best possible results for our projects and bring, as a team, lasting change. My personal vision for SEAD is that one day we will not only support the Good Shepherd Home in Cameroon but orphanages all over the world.

Superpower: Listening, communicating and acting; regular visits on site; support, organization and implementation of project-related activities; And anywhere else I can be a help... or simply put: through humanity.


Jana Mayer, 2nd chairperson of SEAD

„Die Zukunft erkennt man nicht, man schafft sie.“ – Stanislaw Brzozowski

Area: Board member & secretary; responsible for education, illustration & design, contact person for lectures and seminars

This is how I imagine the future of SEAD: I wish that the “help for self-help” will be effective and that SEAD can establish itself as an association which shape the future of many orphans and young people in a sustainable and positive way. For the future, I also imagine a direct exchange and contact with our Cameroonian members and the possibility for everyone to get an insight into the projects and our progress.

Superpower: My great amount of creativity, passion, motivation and optimism

Dieter Eberhardt, treasurer

„Don‘t give to get. Give to inspire others to give.“ – Simon Sinek

Area: Board member and treasurer; responsible for finances, contact person for sponsoring, donations & donation receipts

This is how I imagine the future of SEAD: For me, the sustainable impact of SEAD is the most important thing, because I want to leave a mark through my work. Traces not only in the creation of the organisation and project developments, but also in the lives of individuals. Therefore, I wish that we never lose sight of our common goal and that SEAD will become a self-runner at some point.

Superpower: Financial know-how, international and cultural experience, lateral thinker who never loses sight of reality

Jakob Justus, SEAD member

„Ich versichere euch: Was ihr für einen der Geringsten meiner Brüder und Schwestern getan habt, das habt ihr für mich getan!“ – Matthäus 25,40

Area: Management, Project Coordination & Organizational matters

So stelle ich mir die Zukunft von SEAD vor: Mein Wunsch ist, dass SEAD sich zu einem Verein entwickelt, der unsere kamerunischen Partner zuverlässig unterstützen kann. Die Unterstützung soll dabei nicht nur materieller Natur sein, sondern sich auch auf praktische Mithilfe und Impulse für weitere Entwicklungen erstrecken. Langfristig wünsche ich mir jedoch, dass unsere Arbeit irgendwann überflüssig wird. Dann sind wir am Ziel angelangt 🙂

Superpower: Consistency and cultural understanding - in Cameroon many things work differently than here. Without cultural understanding and consistency, development cooperation can end in frustration or "degrade" to development aid.

Dickson Ndomenga, SEAD member

„It is our collective responsibility taking care of the orphans, widows and the less privileged“

Area: Agriculture, Projectmanagement

This is how I imagine the future of SEAD: SEAD is an organization pioneered by a lady with a big heart and a big dream. I see this organization being a big NGO in future because it is based on trust. Also, it´s members are not ordinary members like in other NGOs but with members being a family and a family with a common goal. I wish that the organization expands both national and international and ones beeing able to support other parts in Cameroon. Big organizations all started small, so SEAD is no exception.

Superpower: I think I can contribute to SEAD from all dimensions as the dream of self-sustainability has always been my dream for this home. In agriculture, I believe I don´t just have the knowledge but I grew up in agriculture. So, I will impact SEAD not only with the knowledge but I´m able to tell when something is not going well in the field.

Martin Heck, SEAD member

„Der Ackerbau ist die Wurzel aller Bildung in der Welt.“ – Berthold Auerbach

Area: Agriculture

This is how I imagine the future of SEAD: With SEAD, I want to use my knowledge to help where it is needed most. For the future of SEAD and with regard to the agriculture of the orphanage, I think it would be useful to build up the agriculture on two pillars. In times when trade is possible, cash-crops are needed to buy urgently needed goods and to finance them for further development. In times of war and unrest, on the other hand, self-sufficient production of food crops is urgently needed to ensure the survival of the local people. I hope to be able to contribute to this with my knowledge.

Superpower: pppfff - Who needs superpower when you know about agriculture.

Sarah Meiser, SEAD member

„Do we settle for a world as it is, or do we work for a world as ist should be?“ – Michelle Obama

Area: Basic medical care, hygiene and sanitation

This is how I imagine in the future of SEAD: I wish for a strong cooperation between the two cultures. It is important to me that this takes place at one eye level. I hope that we can strengthen the Good Shepherd Home through targeted projects and thus achieve long-term improvements in various areas on site. During my medical studies I became aware of the importance of basic medical care, good hygienic conditions and a good training of medical staff. I therefore hope that we can achieve a lot in these areas.

Superpower: With my enthusiasm, my motivation and my constantly increasing medical knowledge, I would like to participate in the projects with full power.

Johanna Blank - Vereinsmitglied


„Love crosses borders  and unites nations.“

Bereich: Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Journalismus, Social Media

So stelle ich mir die Zukunft von SEAD vor: Ich  hoffe, dass SEAD wirklich Samen pflanzt – nicht nur im materiellen Sinne, sondern auch im Herzen aller Beteiligten. Damit wäre das Größte erreicht 🙂

Superpower: Schreiben, Artikel verfassen, Kreativität und Motivation

Chris Schreiter – Vereinsmitglied

„Go and change the world“


Bereich: IT-Experte, Website, Social Media


Superpower: Zuverlässig, strukturiert und ehrgeizig
