Good Shepherd Home
There are over 1,200,000 orphans living in Cameroon, 25% of which have lost their parents due to AIDS and are AIDS orphans. Many of the children have to live on the streets and are forced to take care of their daily survival themselves.
Sister Jane Mankaa found some of these children on the streets and felt it was her calling to give them a home and help them. She decided to travel to the United States in order to work and collect donations so that she could one day fulfill her dream of opening an orphanage in Cameroon.
2002 baute sie das „Good Shepherd Home“ auf – eine Zufluchtsstätte für alle Waisen, ausgesetzte Kinder und alleinerziehende Mütter. Zur Zeit werden auch geflüchtete Familien aus den zerstörten Dörfern um Bamenda untergebracht. Aufgrund des Konflikts ist für sie das Leben dort nicht mehr sicher.
The orphanage is located in Bamenda, a town in the North West Province of Cameroon. In the beginning Sister Jane accommodated only three little boys, but now there are more than 150 children of all ages. She not only provides a home and a large family, but also love and the chance for education and training.
The children learn very quickly to live in a large community, to take on responsibility and to cope independently. Through self-supply projects and donations, food and school costs can partly be financed. In addition, the projects and donations contribute to secure the further care of future generations in the “Good Shpherd Home”.
Click here for the official website of the Good Shepherd Home
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