Water Project

The human right of access to water and sanitation was declared in July 2010. Access to safe drinking water is still an issue for 44% of the population in villages of Cameroon, leading to diseases and even death. Cameroonians often must walk far to reach a well especially in the dry season when some water points are not functioning. At that time, the path to a water point and the waiting time is much longer. But even in the rainy season the water cannot always be stored properly. Running water is therefore not available in most of the households. The Good Shepherd Home also has problems with running water, especially in the dry season. Then, those at Good Shepherd must carry water up from the lower water point of the hill to be used for drinking, bathing, washing and feeding animals, and cooking. This is very laborious and takes a lot of time.
With donations, SEAD has already been able to repair and expand the main well for the water supply of the Good Shepherd Home. Thanks to this new construction as well as through pipelines, the Good Shepherd Home will now be continuously supplied with water even during the dry season. This will allow them to keep important activities running and reduce the amount of work required. In particular, the well extension will effectively collect and store the water of the heavy rainfall during the rainy season, so that not only the Good Shepherd Home but also 300 other households in the neighborhood will be supplied with running water.
We thank all our donors and Hero Textil for making this project possible!