Chicken farm

Chicken farm

The chicken farm of the Good Shepherd Homes is one of the largest in the region of Bamenda. Every year in September approximately 15000 young chickens are bought which are then sold in December, at Christmas time. However, the number of chickens greatly depends on the political situation in Cameroon and has to be adjusted based on the demand.

Due to the Anglophone crisis, the economy in Bamenda has been severely weakened, resulting in fewer chicken sales. This September there will probably be less than 15000 chickens. Nevertheless, the chicken farm at Good Shepherd Home is the biggest source of income and the money earned can be put into new projects. In addition to the income, the chickens also provide the orphanage with an important source of protein, as some of them are cooked for their own consumption.

SEAD supports the chicken breeding in the Good Shepherd Home, as it is one of the most important projects for self-sufficiency. We are gathering sponsors for the chicks, vaccinations, medicine, vitamins, and feed necessary to keep the chickens healthy and sufficiently fed. With your donation you can directly finance a baby chick or a bag of food and contribute to the Chicken Farm Project of Good Shepherd Home.



Project costs:

  • 1 chick = 1€
  • 10 000 chickens = 10000€

  • 1 bag of chicken feed: 25€
  • 420 bags of chicken feed (for 3 months): 10500€
