About us

Non-profit organization

The non-profit association SEAD was founded by 7 young people and supports the Good Shepherd orphanage in Cameroon through local projects. The Good Shepherd family in Bamenda is home to over 150 children who have lost their parents, were neglected or street children. In order to secure the daily food and basic needs, the family already cultivates their own farmland. Chickens and pigs are also bred for sale. However, these projects only cover 50% of the costs incurred so far. For this reason, the other half has to be financed by donations.

Help to self-help

SEAD wants to promote sustainable projects through the principle of "helping people to help themselves" and develop and implement new projects together with our responsible Cameroonian association members on site. We draw a special focus on agriculture. This is essential for the self-sufficiency of the orphanage and is currently the main source of income in the Good Shepherd Home. Education is also of great importance, which is why SEAD wants to pay for the school costs. In particular, we want to support the educational and vocational programme. The beginning of studies, which is connected with immense costs in Cameroon, should be supported by sponsoring and sponsorships. The young adults have to be strengthened in their path and thus be able to build a future for themselves.

Empowerment and Participation

SEAD wants to make a positive contribution to development cooperation and promote the financial independence of the Good Shepherd Home. Through empowerment and participation on both sides, a fair cooperation based on partnership and equality is to be realized. It is our goal that the living conditions of the Good Shepherd family can be sustainably improved by using their own resources.

Local in Bamenda

SEAD is represented locally in Bamenda by two Cameroonian members. They were grown up in the Good Shepherd Home and know the situation and environment the best. Through them a constant exchange is given and projects can be implemented and evaluated together.

Awareness in Germany

In addition to its work in Cameroon, the association is also active in Germany and would like to create an awareness for global cooperation through lectures and workshops. We stand for interculturality, global thinking, tolerance and solidarity!
