

The Good Shepherd Home owns four fields around Bamenda with a total area of 24 hectares of land. The largest agricultural farm is located in Bafut, a small village outside of Bamenda. Plantains, cassava, tomatoes, potatoes, beans, corn, watermelons and various vegetables are grown there, providing food for the entire orphanage.

When it’s time to harvest, some of the teenagers and young adults go to help at the different farms for a longer period of time. Afterwards, the harvest is processed at the Good Shepherd Home and then used to cook daily meals for the children. Whether peeling potatoes or corn, sorting beans, getting firewood or cooking, everyone is involved and helps out. Even the small children learn very early on how to help with the harvest or how to cook, so that they can provide for themselves. The Good Shepherd Home depends on agriculture to secure the basic food needs of the children.

We want to support the agricultural areas of the Good Shepherd Home and finance seeds. The food consumption of the children needs to be continuously secured. The aim of SEAD is to enable financial support, which we can fulfill by expanding the cultivated areas and seeds. If there is a surplus, part of the harvest can be sold at the market. The money earned is supposed to be invested in the children's school education, in the provision of basic needs, projects and other accruing costs.


